
Introducing Sociolinguistics- MIRIAM MEYERHOFF CHAPTER 2 Variation and language


Variation and  language

Key terms in this chapter:
■   variable
■   variants
■   constrain/constraints
■   free  variation
■   determinism
■   regional dialectology
■   reallocation
■   intermediate forms

■   social dialectology
■   interspeaker/intraspeaker variation
■   synchronic variation
■   diachronic change
■   stereotypes
■   markers
■   indicators



In this text, principally an abstract representation of the source  of variation. Realised by two
or more variants.


The actual realisation of a variable. Analogous to the phonetic realisations of a phoneme.
Some  friends were sitting outside  one evening  in Bequia (an island in St Vincent and the Grenadines) where they were about to watch a video and have a drink. One person lifted their glass and said ‘Cheers!’, to which their neighbour replied ‘Chairs and tables’. This is a play on the way cheer  and chair are often pronounced the same  way on Bequia. The variable (i.e. the feature that varies) is the vowel – in this case  a centring  diphthong  – and the different variants at play in the  community at large are  realisations  of the  diphthong  with a closer starting point [t ʃiəz] that sounds like Standard English cheers or a more open starting point [tʃe əz] that sounds more like Standard English chairs.
When you are studying variation, whether it is from a quantitative or qualitative perspec- tive, it is important to define as precisely as possible what the object of your investigation is. The general or abstract feature that you are investigating is what is called the variable. The actual instantiations of the variable in speech are known as the variants.
There are two ways we can identify a variable. One convention is to write a variable in parentheses, i.e., (ear) in this case.  A second convention  is to refer to vowel variables by using the system  of key words in Wells (1982).  In this particular case, we would talk about the NEAR vowel or the NEAR lexical set. I will often use Wells’s key words in this text, because they have been  chosen carefully to pick out classes of words which are reasonably robust across different varieties of English. (A full list of Wells’s key words is provided on pp. xvi–xvii.) The relationship between variables and variants is shown in Figure 2.1. On the left, I have
tried to illustrate the general relationship between an abstract linguistic form and the variants

that actually realise that form in speech. On the right, I have replaced the general terms with the variable discussed above, and shown the two most common variants: one with an open onset  to the diphthong; the other with a more close onset.

the NEAR or
(ear) variable

variant variant variant

[tʃiəz] [tʃeəz]

Figure 2.1   The relationship between a sociolinguistic variable and its realisation as different variants.
Illustrated with an example from the English spoken  on Bequia (St Vincent and the

Identifying  variables  and  variants

■      How do you express the concept die or dead? How many different ways can you think of expressing the idea that someone has died? What determines your use of these different ways of phrasing the same  idea?
■      Now try and  think of at least  one  word  (or set  of words)  that  you sometimes
pronounce in different ways (like the example of ‘cheers/chairs’ in Bequian  given above). What determines your use of these different pronunciations? Is it the same kinds of factors  that you identified in the die example?
■      Do social factors  enter  into your account of pronunciation more or less  than they
do into your account of vocabulary differences? Why do you think that might be?
■      For both the examples above, say what you would consider to be the variable and say what the variants are.

Regular  vs  probabilistic  alternations  between  variants

So the relationship  between the abstract concept of a variable and the actual variants that realise it is very similar to the relationship between the abstract notion of a phoneme and the actual phonetic  realisations  of that phoneme.  The sound represented orthographically as p in English has very different realisations,  depending on where it occurs  in a word. When it occurs by itself at the start of a word, as in pinch, it is pronounced with quite clear aspiration (i.e., an extra burst of air that is very clear if the speaker is standing too close to a microphone). But when it occurs  at the end of a word, as in rap, or when it follows an s at the start of a word, as in speak, it is pronounced without the aspiration.
This variation is quite predictable and depends entirely on the  immediate  linguistic context  in which the p occurs. Phonologists distinguish what they call the phoneme,  which


If the distribution of variants is neither random nor free, and instead
shows systematic correlations with independent factors, those  factors can be said to constrain the variation, or to be
the constraints on the variable.

Free variation

The idea that some variants alternate with each other without any reliable constraints on their occurrence in a particular context or
by particular speakers.


The idea that there is a strong causal relationship between two factors (i.e., one determines how the other will be). The idea that if you know the value for one factor, you can automatically and reliably predict the value for another.
(See also Linguistic relativism.)
is represented as /p/, from the phonetic variants, one of which is aspirated and one of which is not aspirated (together these are called the allophones of /p/). The phonetic realisations of /p/ can be distinguished in print by using the conventions  of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), i.e., [ph] for the aspirated variant and [p] for the unaspirated one. (A full list of the symbols in the IPA is provided on pp. xv–xvi.) Because syllable position determines which variant of /p/ is used, we can say that the realisations  of the phoneme are constrained by where it occurs in a syllable.
However, there is an important difference between the alternation between [ph] and [p]
in English and the alternation between [t ʃiəz] and [tʃeəz] in Bequian. The constraints on /p/ are completely regular and predictable so you always know which variant will surface when. With the NEAR class of words in Bequian, the situation is less precise. The same  person  will sometimes use  one variant and sometimes the other variant. The same  speaker may even alternate in different sentences. For instance,  a woman on Bequia was heard calling to her grandson at dusk one evening. The exchange went like this:

(1)   Jed! Come here! [heə] (silence from Jed)
Jed!! Come here!! [hiər]

The first time she  said here  she  pronounced it with the open variant, and the second time she pronounced it with the more close variant (the appearance of the ‘r’ sound at the end is a separate phenomenon in Bequian; what is of interest  is the realisation of the vowel).
For a long time, linguists described variables like this as examples of free  variation. By free they meant that there were no clear linguistic constraints which would predict when you got one variant rather  than another. So free essentially  meant  unconstrained. You will still hear linguists use the phrase free variation, but it is a bit sloppy to employ it now. This is because since the 1960s sociolinguists have amassed considerable evidence  showing that speaker variability can be constrained by non-linguistic factors (things external to the linguistic system) as well as by linguistic factors. The effects of social factors are seldom categorical; that is, all speakers generally alternate at some  time. No social or contextual  constraint determines where  you will hear  one  form rather  than  another  100  per cent  of the  time. However, they will tell you how likely you are to hear  different forms in different contexts and with different speakers. The difference is probabilistic. This is why it is so helpful to take the trouble to quantify forms for different speakers or in different contexts.  (The notion of determinism recurs  in Chapter  4  when  we  discuss sexist  language.  The theoretical importance of distinguishing between forms which occur 100 per cent of the time or just most of the time in some people’s speech is discussed further in Chapter 10 where we look at the question  of whether  women and men speak  the same  or differently.)
Arguably, though, the only thing that is free about free variation is that it frees the linguist up to dust their hands  and say ‘OK, we’ve analysed  that!’ Sociolinguists’ studies  of language in use have shown that variation is always more or less constrained by some factor relevant to the context in which a speaker is using their language.  Assuming that a linguist’s job is to account for as much of the diversity of human language as possible, then they can be seen as abdicating a lot of their responsibility if they consign aspects of the linguistic to a black box called ‘free variation’. Sociolinguists have shown that a lot of what appears to be free variation can be accounted for if linguists take social factors into account as well as linguistic factors.
Linguistics has a great deal to gain by distancing itself from a notion like free variation. Sociolinguists argue that even though sociolinguistic analyses don’t enable us to predict with

100  per cent  certainty which variant will surface,  where, and when, sociolinguistic studies reveal an additional layer of systematic structure that justifies the limited indeterminacy  that remains.
In sum, a sociolinguistic variable can be defined as a linguistic variable that is constrained by social or non-linguistic factors, and the concept of a variable constrained by non-linguistic factors emerges straightforwardly from the traditions of dialectology.
In the next section, we briefly look at the methods that are used by dialectologists who are interested in documenting the way speakers use language differently and why language varies depending on what village, town or region speakers come from. Following this, we move on to examine  how a more comprehensively social dialectology emerged from regional dialectology.


The nineteenth century was a particularly good time in the history of the study of regional variation in language.  Some  very large projects  were initiated in Europe, some  of which continued  to run well into the twentieth  century. An early and ambitious example  of these was the Altas Linguistique de la France  or ‘Alf’, as it is commonly called. This project was begun  by Jules  Gilliéron and the data collection was carried out by a fieldworker, Edmond Edmont, who bicycled all around France stopping in small villages where he interviewed older speakers and asked them what the local word was for a number of vocabulary items and then carefully noted  the  local pronunciation  of different  words. Edmont  was trained  to use  a consistent system for transcribing regional pronunciations, and at every point in his fieldwork he administered the same questionnaire.  This standardisation of methods was an important breakthrough as it allowed thorough and reliable comparisons to be made between different localities.
The results of dialect surveys are often plotted on maps, thus providing an atlas which, instead  of showing topographical features like mountains  and plains, shows how speakers’ pronunciation  of words changes as  you move across  physical space.  The distribution of different forms – pronunciations or sentence patterns – can be shown with different symbols
superimposed on a map of the region which plots every point surveyed.

Regional dialectology
The identification and mapping of boundaries between different varieties on the basis of clusters
of similar and different features in particular regions, towns or villages.

In 2000, three sociolinguists celebrated the 100th anniversary of the completion of Edmont’s fieldwork. David  Heap, Naomi Nagy and Jeff Tennant cycled from point 797 to point 798 (the towns of Rivesaltes and Collioure).

A number of detailed atlas projects were undertaken across  Europe at about the same time – for example, in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Spain. (More recently, dialect atlases of North America have been  undertaken.) One of the last to be completed was the dialect atlas for the Iberian peninsula  (Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula, or ALPI), because work on this was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War in the first half of the twentieth century. However, regional dialectology is by no means a historical exercise.  For example, there  are ongoing projects  involving the comparison  of structures across  Germanic languages.

No, really?

One  of the  ALPI fieldworkers found out  firsthand how  badly  people can  mis- understand linguistic research. Following the military coup in Spain in 1936, Aníbal Otero (1911–1974) was arrested while undertaking fieldwork in northern Portugal. He had sent a letter back to his family in Galicia  commenting on the legitimacy of the  Republican government. On the  basis of ‘evidence’ that  he was a spy – which included, especially, his suspicious notebooks full of incomprehensible notes in
‘code’ – Otero was convicted of treason and  sentenced to death by firing squad. The testimony of scholars that  Otero’s notebooks were not  in fact  a spy’s  code, but rather linguistic transcriptions, enabled him to have his sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Otero somehow managed to continue his  research during his  years in various military  prisons: he  surveyed different fellow  prisoners’ speech, carefully noting each subject’s place of birth  and  other characteristics. After being released, Otero’s health never recovered and  he  returned to live a
private life in his home village, Lugo.

Our  awareness  of  the  dif ferent  linguistic  forms  we  use

One  problem  with the  methods used by dialectologists is that they depend almost entirely on speakers’ reports of what  they think they say. People may not be  very accurate in reporting  what they actually do say. For example, we may believe that we use  one form because school  has  drummed it into us that this is the ‘correct’ way to speak. Or we may be subconsciously influenced by the spelling  of a word when  we report on how we pronounce it.
What would you say if someone asked you:

‘Do you say The problem  is, is that we need more time or The problem  is that we need more time?

What would you say if someone asked you:

‘Do you say fas’ cars and dangerous livin’ or fast cars and dangerous living?’
‘Do you say libry or library?’

Try asking some  other people and see  what they say.


The maps  that Gilliéron and Edmont produced  from their fieldwork display how language intersects with geographical space,  but regional dialectology can be used  to do more than simply document where people use one form or another. Quite early on some linguists realised that the level of detail in many of the regional dialect atlases could be used to inform linguistic theory. For instance, William Moulton used the dialect maps for parts of Switzerland and Italy to argue in favour of the principle of maximum differentiation. Moulton noticed that in varieties of Swiss there was a consistent relationship between whether or not a dialect centralised its low, short-a  vowel and the number of other low vowels in that variety. He noticed that if the variety had a central  [a], then  it would have both a low front and a low back vowel. But if speakers of one  variety had fronted  the  short-a, then  that variety generally did not have another  low front vowel. Conversely, if speakers had backed the short-a  in any particular variety, then that variety generally did not have another  low back vowel, it would only have a mid back vowel. Moulton suggested that the reason for this was that if the short-a  vowel fronted  there  might not be a big enough  difference between the way it sounded and the way the other low front vowel might sound, and this would lead to speakers confusing words with different  meanings.  He suggested that speakers prefer  to maintain a safe  level of differentiation between the phonemes in their language,  so if there is change in part of the system  they will reorganise the rest of the system  so as to keep  the distinctions  between different words clear. He was able to induce this principle solely from the data on regional dialect maps.
In addition, linguists have found that regional  variation can highlight the  importance of non-linguistic factors. Work by the sociolinguist Dave Britain shows how the features of different regional varieties intersect with a range of non-linguistic features. One of his more important studies involved studying the English spoken throughout the Fens, a low-lying part of England, north-east of London. For a long time, the Fens were largely covered in swamps, and this made them very difficult to cross. These swamps  formed a barrier to movement and contact  between people  in many of the region’s villages. In particular, they divided areas to the north and west, where speakers used the same vowel in the STRUT and BOOK  classes of words (i.e., /υ/) from areas in the south  where the STRUT  class  had developed  a different vowel (i.e., / /). The Fens also divided into two major regions with respect to the PRICE  vowel. Speakers in the eastern part of the region started the diphthong from a more central position (e.g., night /nəit/ and tide /təid/), while speakers in the western part of the region used  a more open  onset  (e.g., /nait/ and /taid/). However, starting  in the eighteenth century, the swampy areas of the Fens began  to be drained, and communication between villages in the north-west and the south-east parts  of the region became much easier  and increasingly frequent.
Britain recorded the casual  speech of a large number of people  in the central Fens in the late 1980s. He was also able to compare  this with earlier records  from regional dialect surveys of what speakers sounded like in the villages he studied. He found there was a clear reduction in the amount of regional variation in the central Fens in the 1980s compared to previous records. Once the Fens ceased to be such a big barrier to the movement of peoples and  communication,  some  of  the  regional  differences began   to  disappear.   But  they disappeared in rather different ways for the STRUT/FOOT words and the PRICE  words.
Britain found that in the central Fens where the eastern and western varieties had met, the pronunciation of PRICE  words had absorbed the pronunciations used in both the western


Reassignment or reanalysis of forms in contact  in a systematic  way, e.g., as allophonically distributed variants of a phoneme.

Intermediate forms
Forms emerging following contact between  closely related varieties that fall in between the various input forms.
and eastern varieties. Typically, speakers used  a raised pronunciation  of words like night or ice (i.e., words that have a voiceless  consonant after  the diphthong), and they had a very open vowel as the main part of the diphthong  when the following vowel was voiced (as in tide and  rise). This makes  a lot of linguistic sense, and  many varieties  of English have somewhat raised  forms of the  diphthong  before  voiceless  consonants. In other  words, speakers had reallocated the  regional  forms according  to regular  linguistic principles. Britain, like Moulton, was able to use regional dialect data to better understand how linguistic and non-linguistic factors are interrelated.
However, when Britain examined  the STRUT  and FOOT  classes of words, he found the situation was less clear-cut. Within a single village, and even in the speech of a single person, he found a lot of variability. That is, unlike the  PRICE  words, there  was no evidence  that speakers had developed  a single new set  of norms for the STRUT  and FOOT  words. Some people  were still using the same  vowel in both sets  of words (the northern  pattern);  some people had different vowels in the two sets (so they sounded more like speakers in London); and some people were doing something completely new, and pronouncing the words with a vowel that was different from the standard southern pronunciations and the standard northern pronunciations. These intermediate forms seemed to be emerging as the preferred  local norm in the Fens, but in the 1980s it was still very hard to see  which regional pattern  would win out.
Britain points out that the regional dialectologist  wants to go beyond simply describing the different  ways in which contact  between different  regional varieties is being resolved in the  Fens. He notes,  for instance,  that the  regional  dialect  records  show that speakers resolved the PRICE  diphthong quickly and they did so on neat linguistic grounds. But they are still struggling with STRUT  and FOOT  after more than 200  years. The reason for this is both linguistic and non-linguistic.
The reallocation  of the  PRICE  forms was actually quite simple. As noted, it follows a widely attested and phonetically motivated pattern that has emerged spontaneously in other varieties of English, and this was probably why it was resolved so quickly. Separating the STRUT and FOOT classes, though, is a more complicated task, because there are no natural linguistic principles differentiating  the two classes. It is notoriously difficult to learn which words fall into the FOOT  class and which fall into the STRUT  class, and it is often a shibboleth  that can be used  to identify a speaker of northern English English even if they have lost most of the
other regional markers  of their accent.

No, really?


A shibboleth is a linguistic variable that  can  be  used as a diagnostic of where someone comes from. The story goes that  the  Ephraimites lost  to the  Gileadites in a battle. They tried to flee, but the Gileadites were able to unmask them because they  pronounced the  word  shibboleth with an /s/ and  not  an /ʃ/. Wucker (1999) tells  a similar modern story from  Hispaniola, where during a pogrom Haitians in the  Dominican Republic were identified partly  by their  pronunciation of <r>. Dominican soldiers would hold up some parsley, perejil in Spanish, and ask people to name it. If they could not produce the trilled Spanish /r/, the person was killed.

In addition to the purely linguistic difficulties involved in resolving the contact  between different  pronunciations of the STRUT/FOOT classes of words, there  were  social factors slowing down and increasing the complexity of the task. The difference between the northern and southern variants of the STRUT vowel have almost no salience for speakers from the Fens. None of the speakers Britain recorded mentioned  this variable as a feature of local speech at all. Britain suggests that the  fact that most speakers in the  Fens  are  unaware  of this variable has also impeded  the speed with which they have resolved this particular variable. Their linguistic and social difficulties can be seen in the patterns of regional variation.
Britain’s study is an important one for several reasons. He reaffirms the usefulness of regional  dialect  data  as  a resource for inducing linguistic principles and  constraints on variation and change.  He also illustrates very nicely the way in which sociolinguists  have to think about a whole range of different issues when analysing data. They have to be sensitive to aspects of linguistic structure,  aspects of social structure and aspects of how speakers conceive of themselves and relate to others. As such, his study provides an excellent entry point for exploring more closely how regional dialectology expanded into social dialec- tology. In the next section, we look at the study of a small island in Massachusetts, in which methods and principles were established that have proved to be essential to the field known
as sociolinguistics.

Social dialectology
The study of linguistic variation in relation to speakers’  participation or membership  in social groups, or in relation to other
non-linguistic factors.

Connections with  theory

Many factors  influence  the  diffusion of linguistic innovations  through  a community:
communication networks, distance, time and social structure (Bailey et al. 1993; Rogers
1995). We could add imagination to Rogers’s list of factors: LePage and Tabouret-Keller (1985) argue that a lot of the differences in how speakers use language depends on what kind of person  we perceive ourselves  to be, or how we want to be perceived  by others. For them, differences between speakers (or even in the speech of a single speaker) can be thought of as acts of identity (more on this in Chapter 11). The idea that different ways of using language (i) constitute social actions, and (ii) involve expressing social and personal  identities, will recur in a number of later chapters.


Amidst all this regional  variation, where  are  the  standards and norms?  It is important to remember that when we consider how people use language, one of the things we are trying to do is to understand better  what the norms are underlying some  of the alternations we observe  in practice.  This intersects in interesting  and  complicated  ways with what  we understand ‘Standard English’ to be. There can be typical (and in that sense, standard) ways of expressing something that are particular to a very specific  locality. But what we mean when we talk about Standard English is a set of norms that are shared across many localities and which have acquired  their own social meaning. In general, they are the norms that are associated with education,  and they may function as gatekeeping norms, establishing who

will and who will not be able to exercise  authority or power. They may be deployed as signs of upward mobility (or aspirations for upward mobility).
Some sociolinguists  argue that ‘Standard English’ can only be used properly to refer to features of grammar  and vocabulary; Trudgill and Hannah  (2002),  for example, point out that the  features that make  up Standard English can be spoken in many different  local accents.
On the other hand, other sociolinguists (Milroy 1992; Mugglestone 2003) find the term
‘standard’ useful for discussing attitudes to different accents. In particular, they discuss the way in which standardisation works as  a social  and  historical process.  The process of standardisation involves a community of speakers converging on a shared sense that some forms (spoken  or written) are valued more than others  and are therefore more appropriate in situations where people are speaking carefully and the exercise of social power is relevant
– for example, in law courts, schools, funeral services, and so forth.
Milroy (1992) discusses the overlap and also the divergence in what the terms ‘prestige’ and ‘standard’ refer to (and we return  to this in Chapter  3). For now it will be helpful to understand ‘standard’ as  referring  to  norms  which represent an  intersection of other sociolinguistically interesting  phenomena such as carefulness, education, and social status. As we progress through the book we can start to unpick the web that they form. One of the principal tools we will use  to unpick them  is by looking closely at the  way speakers use different languages or different variants in a language in different social contexts  and with apparently  different motivations.


The first social dialect study was conducted in the summer  of 1961 on Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Massachusetts in the north-eastern United States. Martha’s Vineyard was then already something of a summer  playground for people  who live most of the year on the mainland US – in the 1960s, the number of residents during the summer increased nearly seven times over the winter population. This has only increased in the years since; in the year 2000, the year-round population on the Vineyard was 14,000, but during the summer the  population  of the  island ballooned  to 100,000. Moreover, there  is a big discrepancy between the circumstances of the summer-only  people  and the year-rounders. The cost of housing  on the  Vineyard is fabulously expensive,  driven up by the  intense demand  of summer residents, yet the island has the second-lowest per capita income in the entire state of Massachusetts. Many year-rounders on the Vineyard struggle  quite hard to get by and increasingly have to do so by providing services  for the summer visitors.
In 1961, William Labov was one of those summer visitors. A student of Uriel Weinreich’s at Columbia University, Labov was well acquainted with Weinreich’s work on language and dialect  contact  and he was therefore well placed  to extend  this work in new directions. Weinreich’s work built on the descriptive tradition of the European regional dialectologists; however, he was interested not just in variation as a linguistic phenomenon. He was also interested in the relationship between different linguistic variants and the local social order. This approach (which Labov has always considered to simply be sound linguistics) has come to be known as sociolinguistics.
Although the island lies not far off shore from the mainland United States,  the pronun- ciation of certain key variables on Martha’s Vineyard differs markedly from the neighbouring

parts of the mainland, and it appears that it has done so for some time. The specific variable that Labov became aware of was the realisation of the diphthong in words like ice and time. In Wells’s (1982) standard lexical sets  we would call these the PRICE  words. Of course,  in
1966 Labov didn’t have access to Wells’s sets. Instead he introduced a new convention: he used  parentheses to represent the sociolinguistic  variable; that is, he talks about  the (ay) variable which is realised by different phonetic variants.
On the  Vineyard, the  PRICE  words were very often  pronounced with a more raised, centralised onset  (i.e., [əi]), which is not typical of the  island’s mainland neighbours.  The centralised variant is recorded as characteristic of the Vineyard in the 1951 Linguistic Atlas of New England. However, Labov noticed that not all the year-round residents of the Vineyard used  the centralised pronunciation.  Some  of them used  a lower, fronted  onset,  more like the mainland norm (i.e., [ai]). The same  variability occurred  in words with the back-gliding diphthong  such  as  south  and loud; that is, the  MOUTH  set  or what Labov called the (aw) variable.
Even more importantly, he noticed that speakers who used the centralised variants didn’t always do so. Sometimes a speaker would use  a centralised variant and then  in the next sentence use something more like the mainland variant. In other words, not only was there variation between individual speakers (interspeaker variation) on the Vineyard, there was also variation within individual speakers (intraspeaker variation).
The extent  of this variation piqued  Labov’s interest.  Was the  variation a very subtle pattern of regional differentiation? Or was there more to it? He set out to find out by gathering data on these two variables from as many people as he could find.
Ideally, Labov hoped to capture  the way people talked when they were talking with one another  at home or with their friends. He realised  that as an outsider  to the Vineyard, and, moreover, as an outsider with a mike and tape-recorder, it wasn’t going to be easy to get the kind of speech he was after. He decided  first to record  people  engaged in fairly formal, language-oriented tasks  like reading  lists of words  out  loud. However,  once  this  was completed he would shift to a more informal frame of conversation in which he asked  them about  their life on the Vineyard. This method  for collecting data  represented a significant departure from the brief question-and-answer format of regional dialect surveys, and it has subsequently formed the basis for numerous other studies.
Labov conducted these sociolinguistic interviews in a number of different parts of the island. In some  places, the inhabitants were mainly of Anglo-British descent, in some  they were  mainly of Portuguese descent, and in some  they were  mainly of Native American descent. He also sampled speakers from different walks of life. Some of the people he talked to worked  on farms, some  worked  in the  fishing industry, and  some  worked  in service occupations. Some were older, some were in their thirties and some were younger. In the end, he interviewed 69 people, more than 1 per cent of the year-round  population on the island. Although some ages or groups of speakers were better represented than others in the final sample, the survey provided a much better cross-section of the Martha’s Vineyard community than regional dialect surveys had in the past. What Labov saw in his interviews fundamentally challenged the notion of free  variation.

Interspeaker variation
Differences  and variation that is measured between different speakers (individuals or social groups).

Intraspeaker variation
Differences  in the way a single person speaks at different times, or with different interlocutors, or even within a sentence. Intraspeaker variation is a necessary
corollary of inherent variability in grammars.

Connections with  theory

Regional dialectology has traditionally sought  out older speakers, and especially those who have lived sedentary lives without much contact  and experience outside  of their immediate locality. The famous great surveys from the early twentieth century also mainly sampled  male speakers. This target  sample has been  called the NORMS – non-mobile, older, rural, male speakers (Chambers and Trudgill 1998: 29). It was believed that such speakers used  the most ‘authentic’ local variants. The dialectologist  Harold Orton went so far as to say, ‘in [England] men speak  vernacular more frequently, more consistently, and more genuinely than women’ (Orton et al. 1962: 15).

Counting  variation:  the  use  of  index  scores

Labov found that, even though the Vineyard was quite small, the variation in how speakers pronounced PRICE  and MOUTH seem to divide the community along several distinct axes. He extracted every example of a PRICE  or MOUTH word from all the recordings he had and coded them according  to how raised  and backed the onset  of the diphthong  was. Lower onsets received  a lower score  and more raised  and centralised ones  received  a higher score. He was able to use these scores to obtain averages for each speaker.  These individual speaker averages could be combined further to produce averages for groups of speakers. This process is illustrated in Figure 2.2.
For example,  if a woman  in her sixties produced  40  tokens  of PRICE  words in her
interview, Labov would listen to each  one. If a token  had a very centralised onset  he gave

[əis], [nəis] ... x5
[rait], [taim], [waid] … x20
(5 x 2) + (20 x 0) + (15 x 1) = 25

25 /40 (all the tokens) = 0.6

0.6 individual index score

0.8 0.6

(0.2 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.8) = 2.4

0.6 0.2
2.4 / 5 (number of speakers) = 0.48

0.5 group index score  (rounded up)

Figure 2.2   Method for calculating an index score for an individual speaker  and a group of speakers.
Raising and centralisation of the onset of PRICE words, or the (ay) variable, shown as an example.

that token a score  of 2, for example. If it had a very low onset, he would give it a score  of 0. Let’s say this woman produced  five very centralised tokens  of PRICE  (i.e., 2 points     5 = 10 points) and 20  very low ones  (i.e., 0 points      10  = 0 points), and the remaining 15  were somewhere in between (i.e., 1 point     15 = 15 points). She would end up with an index score of 25/40 or 0.6.
Once he had an index score for all the women in their sixties, he could group them and average that out. So if there were four others  in that group and their index scores were 0.2,
0.2, 0.8, 0.6, then the average across  the whole lot of them would give you an index for the group of 0.5 (rounded up); that is, it would show that this group of women raise the onset  of
PRICE  words relatively infrequently compared to what is attested in the rest of the community.
Calculating  index  scores

Spanish from Mexico City allows two variants for /-r/ at the end of a word. One variant is a voiced  alveolar flap [r] which is considered normal or standard; the  other  is a voiceless variant that is assibilated or fricated [r ] (Matus-Mendoza 2004). Imagine you have recorded a number of speakers from Mexico City and you have found the following distribution of the two variants in their speech.
Generation Speaker [r] [ r ]

I Flora 24 80  
I Pablo 3 20  
I Luis 5 250  
I Carmen 12 30  
II Marta 30 250  
II Juan 12 171  
II Nico 2 200
Calculate a percentage average or an index score for each  of the speakers. Who has the highest and lowest scores?
Now calculate averages or scores for the  two generations: Generation I  (the teenagers) and Generation II (their parents). Which group uses the standard flap variant
more and which group uses the assibilated variant more?

Comparing index  scores: towards the  social meaning  of  variation

First of all, it is important to note that linguistic factors explained most of the variation Labov observed.  When we considered the contrast between an aspirated and unaspirated /p/ in English earlier, we noted  that which variant is used  depends entirely on linguistic factors (where the /p/ occurs in the word). Likewise, Labov found that the kind of sound following the PRICE  variable was the most important factor in determining  which variant a speaker used. If it was followed by a voiceless  fricative or stop (/t, s, p, f/) then speakers were more likely to use a centralised variant. We can say that when PRICE  words are followed by these sounds they are in a phonetic environment that favours centralisation. If PRICE  was followed

by /l, r, n, m/ then speakers were more likely to use variants with a lower onset. In other words, a following nasal is an environment that does  not favour centralisation.
But in addition to these linguistic constraints,  Labov also found there  were some  very clear correlations  with non-linguistic factors as well.
In general, Labov found that people ‘Up-island’ in the more rural areas and smaller towns were more likely to use the centralised variants than people from ‘Down-island’ in the bigger townships. But this regional divide wasn’t the only, or most noticeable,  distinction between the  groups  he recorded.  He also found that if a person  was associated with the  fishing industry  they  were  much  more  likely to use  the  centralised variants  than  if they  were associated with any of the other occupations. He also found that if he looked at Vineyarders of different ages he found some  regular differences. People  between the ages of 31 and
45 used centralised variants of the PRICE  and MOUTH diphthongs more often than speakers in any other age group.
Labov found that after he had talked to all these people  he had a good sense of how they felt about Martha’s Vineyard and what their attitudes were to living on a relatively isolated island which in winter becomes even more isolated. Most of them had fairly positive attitudes to living on the Vineyard. Some, for instance,  had made the conscious decision to return to the island after having gone away to university. However, a smaller number of the people he talked  to were more ambivalent about  it, and some  actively expressed negative  attitudes towards being there. He decided to treat speakers’ attitudes as a factor that might influence variation, along with the linguistic context and demographic features associated with different speakers. Labov discovered  that the lowest rates  of centralisation were found among  the people who expressed active dislike or some ambivalence  about living on the Vineyard.
A number of things about Labov’s methods revolutionised the way in which dialectology could be approached. First of all, he tried to sit down with people in contexts that approximated ordinary everyday speech, and he recorded what they actually said, not just what they said they said, as  had  been  true  of most  regional  dialectology  up until then.  In addition, he investigated whether there were correlations between linguistic variants and a range of social factors. The factors he investigated were ones that seemed to be particularly relevant to life
on Martha’s Vineyard, and it turned out that they did correlate  with the linguistic variation.

No, really?

The Martha’s Vineyard survey was not  the  first  piece of dialectology to observe social differences between speakers.  Louis   Gauchat  (1905) observed  five variables in the  speech of the  residents of the  quite isolated village  of Charmey (Switzerland). He noted younger speakers used innovative variants most, older speakers used them least, and  middle-aged speakers alternated. He also noted that  women in each group tended to use the  innovative variants more than men. We return to the  role of speaker’s age in Chapter 7 and  gender in Chapter 10.

With the benefit  of this socially, as well as linguistically, detailed corpus of information, Labov was able to build up a larger picture than would otherwise have been possible. He had discovered  that among the islanders, centralisation was highest  among people who:

(i)   lived in the more rural, Up-island areas;
(ii)  engaged in the traditional island occupation of fishing; (iii)  were in their thirties and forties; and
(iv)  liked living on the Vineyard and felt fondly towards life there.

Each of these correlations  on its own is pretty arbitrary. That is, there  is no reason why we might suppose people  in their thirties and forties, or who are employed  on fishing boats, necessarily would centralise more. Working amidst salt spray and fishing nets doesn’t actually change the  way you have  to talk. But taken  together,  Labov perceived  an overarching generalisation that unified all four characteristics.
The fourth correlation proved to be pivotal in the overall analysis. Contrasts between the year-round  residents on Martha’s Vineyard and the  summer-only  residents can be quite extreme.  Labov proposed that centralisation was a means by which speakers could subtly but clearly stake  a claim to being different  from the  mainlanders  who come  over for the summer only. All of the social factors that correlated with centralisation were consistent with this claim. The areas in which the  invasion of summer  residents was most localised  was Down-island, and, as the finding in (i) shows, speakers who used the centralised variants of (ay) and (aw) most often  were people  who, by choice  or tradition, lived Up-island. As (ii) indicates, centralisation also correlates with speakers who, by choice or tradition, were still trying to make a living in the traditional Vineyard way – from the sea. In addition, the most frequent  users  of centralised variants are also people of an age where they might well have children growing up on the  Vineyard (as  shown  in (iii)), further  reinforcing a qualitative difference between locals and summer residents. And finally, centralisation was much less frequent among locals who disliked living on the island and wished they lived somewhere else.
In short, by combining the linguistic facts with the social facts he had learnt about the island, Labov was able to argue that the variation was not free and unconstrained. He argued that the intraspeaker variability reflected and constructed an underlying social opposition: an opposition  between locals and non-locals.  Linguistic differentiation  seems to serve  the
purpose of social differentiation.

Identifying  relevant  non-linguistic  factors  in  a  community

Labov found that the variation on Martha’s Vineyard required him to pay attention to the social categories and issues that were most relevant to locals, e.g., changes in the eco- nomic base of the island, the increasing contrast between year-round and summer-only residents, the sense of isolation of living on an island.
What kinds of issues and social groups mattered the most in the town where you grew up?  If you moved  while you were  growing  up, or for university, did you have to change your ideas  about  what groups or issues were most important?
Do people seem to think they can ‘hear’ these social differences in the way people talk? What do they pay attention to? Vocabulary? Pronunciation? Grammar?

Connecting  variation  with  change

Synchronic variation
Variation occurring now.

Diachronic change
Change  realised over chronological time.
In addition, Labov realised  that his survey of Martha’s Vineyard provided a snapshot of one point in ongoing  change.  By comparing  older and younger  speakers, a researcher could obtain a window into the long-term changes that linguists traditionally only studied at a much greater distance in time. In this case, a combination of the descriptive, linguistic facts about older and younger speakers, and an appreciation  of the social changes taking place in the Vineyard, simulated  a picture of how social and linguistic changes work their way through a community with the passage of time.
Prior to this study, linguists had believed that language change could only be studied once it had happened, but Labov’s methods have established that there is a robust connection between the variation found in any community of speakers at a given point in time and the long-term processes of change studied by historical linguists. He showed  that synchronic variation (variation right now) is very often the root of diachronic change (change over a period of time). Moreover, he showed that this relationship may emerge most clearly when researchers carefully consider the non-linguistic constraints on synchronic variation, such as speakers’ age, their occupation and their attitudes or aspirations.  (In Chapters 7 and 9 we return to the Martha’s Vineyard study and see  what happened in the 40 years after Labov conducted his research. We also consider the use of speakers’ ages as a window on change,
and the ways in which sociolinguistics and historical linguistics can be integrated.)

Connections with  theory

The connection between synchronic  variation and diachronic change had been  estab- lished by Hermann’s (1929) restudy of Charmey. A generation after Gauchat’s first visit, Hermann  found that four of the five variables had indeed  progressed in the direction Gauchat  predicted  on the basis of the age differentiation Gauchat  had observed.



A linguistic feature that is widely recognised and is very often the subject of (not always strictly accurate!) dialect performances and impersonations.
People sometimes have very clear perceptions about the features that differentiate linguistic varieties. These stereotypes are things people can comment on and discuss, and they often have very strong  positive or negative  opinions about  them. They include, for instance,  the Canadian use of eh at the end of sentences, or Australians’ use of dinkum, and young people’s (especially young women’s) use  of question  intonation when they are making a statement or reporting  an event  (e.g., ‘A bunch  of us went down to see  a movie at the Riverview on Friday?’). Linguistic stereotypes are the kinds of features that make  it into the Letters  to the Editor section  of local papers, and they are important features used  when speakers are performing  or putting on another  accent or dialect. Upper-class speakers from England are known as yahs for their pronunciation of yes as /ja:/. The difference between the northern and  southern English pronunciation  of the  vowel in the  STRUT  class  of words, such  as cup and butter, is one that most speakers in the UK are aware of, and, as Britain’s study of the Fens showed, this level of awareness may be a factor contributing to the ongoing variability in how the community realises  the vowel in this class of words.

However, the  variables  Labov was  looking at on Martha’s Vineyard, (ay) and  (aw) centralisation, were aspects of the local dialect which speakers on the Vineyard were hardly aware  of. Variables that speakers are less  consciously  aware  of, and consequently which have not acquired strong stereotypes, provide some of the richest data for sociolinguists. They may be markers or indicators of important social factors  in a community of speakers or the  beginnings of language change,  and  because they are  features which speakers are  not consciously  aware  of (yet!), the  variation a linguist finds is particularly revealing. Markers can be distinguished from indicators on the same  continuum  of speaker aware- ness  that  differentiates stereotypes and  markers.  Speakers show  some  subconscious awareness of markers, and this is made evident in the fact that they consistently  use more of one variant in formal styles of speech and more of another  variant in informal styles of speech.
Indicators, on the other hand, show no evidence that speakers are even subconsciously aware of them, and speakers consistently  favour one variant over another  regardless of who they are talking to or where. However, the relative frequency of one variant rather than another may differentiate  groups of speakers as a whole.
In the next two chapters we will look at style-shifting more closely and you will see how markers work with some concrete examples. The importance of where speakers are and what interpersonal effect they want to create is also discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.


This chapter  has  already alluded to a number  of factors  that correlate  with and seem  to influence differences in how people use language. In the discussion of the studies conducted by Labov and Britain, we have seen how sociolinguists  use both social and linguistic factors to explain or account for different patterns of usage.  We have seen that even quite small differences in the ways speakers pronounce words are systematic and not free or uncon- strained. The rest of this book is devoted  to exploring such constraints even further.
We have also begun  to touch on more difficult questions as well. Sociolinguists would like to know how people  differ in the  ways they use  language and the  linguistic variants available in their community at large; they also would like to ask why people  differ in these ways: what motivates their differences in use?  The conclusion that the (ay) variable marks the  extent  to which a speaker identifies  as  a ‘real’ Vineyarder, and  the  extent  to which they might want to differentiate  themselves from the  swarm of summer  visitors, moves towards addressing the questions of why as well as how people  vary in their language use. Indeed, sociolinguistics would be a pretty dry business if all it did was document differences and similarities. But because sociolinguists  are  interested in the  people  and the  use  of language as much as they are interested in linguistic structure, the field is a bit more vibrant than that.
It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of what motivates speakers to use language differently from each  other  or in different  ways at different  times. A lot of the context  of language in use  is very idiosyncratic. It pertains  to the conditions  associated with a single moment, an interaction between particular speakers, or the personal mood and intentions of a single speaker.
Notwithstanding this, though, it is possible to identify a smaller set of motives that recur frequently in sociolinguistic analyses. Variation in how people use language is often attributed to the following four motivations:


A variable that speakers are less aware of than a stereotype, but which shows consistent style effects. (See also Indicator.)


A linguistic variable which shows limited or no style-shifting. Stratified principally between groups.

(i)   a desire to show how you fit in with some people and are different from others;
(ii)  a desire to do things that have value in the community (and associate yourself with that value);
(iii)  a desire  not to do things that are looked down on in the community (and have others look down on you);
(iv)  a desire to work out how others  are orienting themselves to the concerns in (i)–(iii).

These  are summarised in Table 2.1 where each  of these important motivations is linked to an aphorism that may help you remember them.
The first motivation is developed especially in the examples discussed in Chapters 3–6. There  we will see  that sociolinguists  frequently  argue  that variation in the  speech of an individual is motivated by the speaker’s desire  to identify with some  social groups, and/or differentiate  themself from others. This requires balancing goals that may be in conflict with each other. This tension will be highlighted particularly when a speaker has to maximise their fit with others, while simultaneously maintaining individual distinctiveness.
We will also see that in many cases use of a specific linguistic variant can be interpreted as having a value within a community of speakers. Variation can be interpreted as speakers being motivated to use particular variants because they are responding to, or are orienting to, the value associated with a particular variant in their community. We saw this in the Martha’s Vineyard study and will return to it in more detail, especially in Chapters 8 and 10 where we discuss social class and gender. We’ll see that the community may value a variant consciously or unconsciously  (as noted in the discussion of stereotypes, markers, and indicators above), and we will look at the methods we can use to work out directly or indirectly what groups of speakers consider  ‘better’ or more valuable in their community.
Conversely, there is a similarly strong desire for speakers to avoid using forms that will bring them scorn or censure in their speech community. This may involve avoiding variants that sound ‘old-fashioned’, or that are strongly associated with another  group that a speaker would rather not identify with. In other words, avoidance is sometimes just as important a factor as identification. Speakers may stay away from a variant if it has negative  associations for them, and they may use  another  one if they feel that this will minimise the social risk they expose themselves to. Since  this is the other  side of the coin to accentuate the positive, these two factors are often relevant to the same examples. In a sense, a desire to accentuate the positive and to eliminate the negative  is what gives rise to the tricky balancing  act that we have already discussed.
The final motivation is a little different from the other three. Instead of being centred on the speaker’s needs and desires, it stems  from our intuition that others are motivated by the
same  things as we are. For the first three  motivations speakers may be pretty clear about

Table 2.1   Some common motivations for sociolinguistic variability, with everyday ‘translations’ into aphorisms, or adages. (Source, Meyerhoff 2001.)

General motivation Associated aphorism

Fit in with some people; differentiate from others ‘Life’s a balancing act’ Do what has value ‘Accentuate the positive’ Avoid what has costs ‘Eliminate the negative’ Try to work out what others are up to ‘It’s a jungle out there’

what group or personal  identities  and attributes  are available for them to identify with or differentiate  themselves from at any one time. But often this is not so obvious. As we noted earlier, language not only reflects social and interpersonal dynamics, it also constitutes them. The constitutive role of language introduces a degree of indeterminacy  in every interaction. It is not hard to find examples that seem  to indicate that speakers are working quite hard to pin down what the relevant, or most salient, identities are for themselves and their interlocutors
– or that they are trying to work out how the identities they have oriented to relate to the ones their interlocutors  seem  to have oriented  to. Communication  accommodation theory takes this indeterminacy  to heart, and it argues that a lot of variation may result from speakers testing  their hypotheses about  these factors. Accommodation  theory is introduced  fully in Chapter  4, but  the  idea  that  language can  be  used  to  test  hypotheses about  social relationships recurs in several others.
We will return to these motives in the final chapter,  by which time we will be able to assess them against  specific linguistic examples.  At that point, we will also be in a position to evaluate  the extent  to which they express distinct insights and the extent  to which they articulate with each  other.


This chapter  has covered a lot of theoretical  and historical ground. It has tried to:

■      acquaint you with the breadth of questions that fall within the domain of sociolinguistics, and
■      begin to shape our focus  on questions relating to how and why speakers alternate
between different language varieties or different forms within a particular variety.

We have begun  to see  some  of the  important  methodological and theoretical  con- tributions that sociolinguistics has made to the study of language in general. These include:

■      the shift to the use  of naturally occurring  speech as the basis  for the description  of variation, and
■      the admission of social and attitudinal factors when analysing variation.

These complement and extend the purely linguistic factors which had been the stock-in-trade for linguists before, and they provide a basis  for accounting for phenomena which formal linguistics had been  unable  to handle  and had written off as unconstrained, free variation. The use  of quantitative  methods to demonstrate that non-linguistic  factors  pattern  with language in non-random ways was an important step; later chapters will gradually flesh out some  of the wide range  of non-linguistic factors  that pattern  with speakers’ different ways of using language.
It is important to bear  in mind that even though  the  ground  covered  in this chapter leads  most  directly to the  quantitative  methods and studies  associated with variationist sociolinguistics  (discussed in more detail in Chapters 3–4  and 7–10), even approaches to more qualitative questions benefit if researchers recognise that their enterprise is to untangle and  describe the  sense and  systematicity  behind  the  apparent idiosyncrasy  of surface patterns of language use and attitudes about language. These topics are discussed in more detail in Chapters 5 and 6 – but they will also prove to be relevant in Chapters 4, 9 and 10

(the overlap will, I hope, reinforce the complementarity of different approaches to all questions of sociolinguistic interest).
In the chapters that follow we will try to maintain a dual focus  on how sociolinguistic research contributes to insights about both the structure of language and also social structure. There will be occasions where we focus mainly on individual speakers and occasions when the focus is more on the behaviour of groups of speakers, but again these complement each other.
In the next two chapters,  for instance,  we begin to look at how an individual’s use  of different forms or different language varieties tell us something about their relationship and attitudes to other individuals as well as to other social groups.

Article-length introductions  to sociolinguistics and the study of language variation include: Preston (1994),  Wolfram (2006),  a number  of contributions  in Newmeyer  (1988),  con-
tributions in part II of Coulmas (1997).

Other general  introductions  to sociolinguistics include:

Chambers (2003) – a strong focus on variationist sociolinguistics and linguistic theory. Holmes (2001), Mesthrie et al. (2000) – include more sociocultural discussions of language
in use as well as a variationist backbone.
Milroy and  Gordon  (2003) – emphasis on methodology  and  principles  for quantitative sociolinguistics.
Johnstone (2000) – emphasis on methods and issues for qualitative sociolinguistics. Nevalainen and Raumolin-Brunberg (2003) – an emphasis on historical data, but provides
a very solid introduction to principles and issues in the study of variation and change. Wolfram and Schilling-Estes (2005) – focus on mainland US varieties of English.
There has been  a recent  burst of handbooks or encyclopaedias:

Chambers et al. (2001) – survey articles on quite specific topics of interest  in the study of variation.
Ammon et al. (2005).
Mesthrie (2001) – very comprehensive coverage of terms, principles, trends  and people  in sociolinguistics generally (really gives you an idea of the breadth  of the field).

Your library will have more.

On specific topics in this chapter:

Chambers and Trudgill (1998), Francis (1983) – good resources on methods and principles in dialectology and connections between regional and social dialectology.
Labov (1972a, 2001) – more on both the original Martha’s Vineyard and NYC studies. Blake and Josey  (2003) – more on ‘localness’ on Martha’s Vineyard.

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